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String box (metal), in black with remnant of gilt box lining, containing a range of late-19th/early-20th century strings in assorted envelopes, supplied by Erard, George Withers & Co. (one stamped 'Removing Nov. 1891 to Leceister Square'), G. Butler & Sons, and others.  Also, a business card for George Withers & Co., and another forJ. Harry Field (concert and solo harpist and pianist of Finsbury Park), and a receipt from G. Butler & Sons, dated 1902, for harp strings.

String box (metal), in grained maple and gilt box lining, containing a range of  used late-19th/early-20th century strings in assorted gauges, supplied by Erard and possibly others.  Strings and accessories price list and stringing gauge from Erard (c.1890).

Assorted harp string-gauges (Erard 1829 and 1891, Lyon & Healy 1911), an undated Erard 'A' tuning fork (probably for pianoforte), a harp tuning key (anonymous), and excerpts from an early 20th-century Lyon & Healy catalogue showing gauge and tuning key.